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Top Ten Tuesday – Books that are linked to specific memories

I don’t normally participate in Top Ten Tuesday, but I absolutely love the topic this week! I love hearing people’s memories that are associated with books and I love sharing mine! (If you don’t know what this meme is, its hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and every week there is a topic and you list your top ten books that fit that topic)


10) Anne of Green Gables

My Mom read this out loud on one of our road trips.  I liked it so much that we stopped at a small used book store on the coast and my Dad bought me the next two books in the series.  I never read them but it was a great memory!


9) Baby Island

This is another one my mom read on a road trip


8) Velvet

We rented a beach house in Oregon for Christmas.  On the way to the house we stopped at a small used book store and I found this book in their ridiculously tiny YA section (they had less than 10 YA books) It said it was an “Advanced Reader Copy” I was confused thinking it meant that there were two versions, one for people at a standard reading level and one for advanced readers.  (This was way before I started blogging) I asked the lady working the store and she explained to me what it actually meant.  After buying it and getting to the beach house I spent a good portion of the weekend curled up in a recliner as I devoured the book!


7) Kitty Pryde & Wolverine

I don’t remember how I got this graphic novel but its the first one I remember reading.  We had rented a beach house in Oregon (different house than #8) and I read it there.  There was a loft in the house that was where I read it.


6) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

I went to Savannah, Georgia as part of a Girl Scout trip (the founder of girl scouts was in Savannah when she started it)  One of the things we did was take a ghost tour.  At the end there was a gift shop and I bought this book because it took place in one of the place we had just seen.  I don’t remember much about the book but because I read it my parents let me see its R rated movie.  It was the first R rated movie I ever watched and one of two R rated movies I got to watch before I turned 17.


5) Crime and Punishment

My parents finished their basement one year before I left for college.  They put a bedroom down there and I got that room for 1 year.  I had this teal and blue striped comforter and my mom made matching curtains and we painted the wall a really pretty blueish teal.  I am sure I read plenty of books down there but this book in particular makes me think of that room.  Probably because the basement seemed super creepy while reading that book when I was supposed to be sleeping.


4) A Separate Peace

This book was part of my required summer reading the summer before I started High School.  We went on a family road trip in my parents Nissan Armada.  I got the back row to myself (my Sister got the middle row and my Brother wasn’t born yet) and I remember stretching out and reading this on the way to wherever we were going.


3) A Child Called It

I was staying the night at my friends house and we built a fort and then were reading in it.  I didn’t bring a book with me so I borrowed one of hers.  I read this entire book in 1 night.


2) Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Another one my mom read on a road trip


1) Harry Potter

I actually have 3 memories with Harry Potter. The first is my 3rd grade teacher reading us the first book (we asked her to read the second book to us too but she said we would have to read it ourselves) The Second is sitting in the front of Big Lots with my best friend Alyissa while our moms shopped and racing to finish the book first.  And third was sleeping over at my Aunt’s house and buying the newest book from Walmart at midnight when it was released.


Honorable Mention

This book didn’t make the list because I don’t know what book it is! It was some required reading for school over fall break, but we went to Disney World over fall break.  I didn’t have a lot of spare time to read on the trip so I stole time when I could, including in line for the Toy Story ride!  My mom still makes fun of me for this 6 years later and I think of this whenever I happen to be reading while standing in line


I know it is probably impossible but if by some random chance you can tell what this book is please tell me!!!! Its really bugging me that I can’t figure it out!!

Do you have any memories related to books? Tell me your favorite in the comments!

33 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Books that are linked to specific memories

  1. I haven’t read “Anne of Green Gables,” but knowing the story from the movies, it seems like a great book to place on a list like this. Happy Top Ten Tuesday! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay! I’m glad you participated. This was a fun one! advanced readers copy! I actually thought the same thing when I first heard about it!! I was so confused on how that would work. Haha 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have never read Perks of Being a Wallflower so that isn’t it. I was in college and the only English classes I took were American Lit, British Lit, and Woman’s lit. I don’t think it was for Brit Lit because we mostly read poetry. It also could have been a math book, but it doesn’t look like it.

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  3. I was a complete Anne Freak as a kid! I had to read A Separate Peace for English 10 which completely killed the book for me. I find when I have to write a serious paper about a book, I just don’t enjoy it as much

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It has been really cool seeing people’s thoughts and memories about reading. This has turned out to be a great topic! Anne of Green Gables seems to be a favorite for lots of people- just one of those books that impacted people in lots of ways I guess- and Kitty Pryde/ Wolverine! I never read that one even though I think I read just about everything else X-Men lol. I should track that one down.

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    1. I agree! Reading memories are awesome and this is the coolest TTT I have seen so far! I have seen Harry Potter on a lot of the posts as well! It was originally a 6 issue mini series and you should check it out! Its my favorite 🙂 Its why Wolverine is my favorite superhero. Though its probably more because of the memory associated with it than the story itself. I should probably re-read it!


  5. Great memories surrounding reading. I read Anne of Green Gables to my daughter and we actually went to Prince Edward Island, visited the house and saw the play. I love the picture of you reading.

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  6. It’s so cool that your mum read you on your road trips. ❤️ I bet those books must be extra special to you.

    I remember reading Gone with the Wind whilst being a teenager during one scorchingly hot summer and not wanting to sleep because Scarlett might do something… it was my first ‘love story’ and to this day, I remember how it made me feel… 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Just added Velvet to my tbr because you got me curious now!! But oh my god, that photo of you reading in line for the Toy Story ride is soooooooo something I would do! 😂 I wish I could help identify what book it is, but it doesn’t look familiar!! And I love your memories about your mom reading in the car because that’s something my mom and I do too. Great list!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I hope you like it! Its kinda twilight ish but I enjoyed it! Its all good! I didn’t think anyone would be able to tell what it is but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask! Thats awesome that your mom read to you in the car too! Thanks 🙂

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