
OwlCrate February 2020 Unboxing

OwlCrate February 2020 Unboxing

A Power Within




The big ticket item in this crate is a Bento Box.  Bento is a single-portion take-out or home-packed meal common in Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese cuisines.  I am terrible at packing lunches (I usually just eat frozen lunches) but I really appreciate that OwlCrate went the extra steps to make this box freezer, microwave, and dishwasher safe.

I like the idea of BFF bookmarks instead of necklaces, but I don’t really have anyone to give the second one too.  But the ruler bookmark is absolutely perfect for my bullet journal and I was thinking of ordering a mini metal bookmark anyway, so I was psyched to see it in this box!! I will definately use the cleaning cloth, and it came in an adorable little bag too! The art is a little creepy but I like the style and the quote!

I haven’t read The Magicians so I’m not really interested in the keychain. I am also no longer reading Cassandra Claire’s books (I just lost interest in the shadow hunter world) so I don’t care about the excerpt.  The cards however are gorgeous, and my family plays a lot of cards so they are perfect!

This might bee the creepiest book title ever, but the cover is gorgeous!! I particularly like the little ship in the bottom left corner.


I really like that OwlCrate is trying to include unique, never-been-done-before items in their boxes.  I don’t know if I will use the main item this month, but I like what they are doing.

Next Month’s Theme: Music of the Night

27 thoughts on “OwlCrate February 2020 Unboxing

  1. How have you been with reading the books each month? Mine are so backed up!! Why in doing the owlcrateathon right now. Although, Ollie has been sick, so I’ve only read one book. LOL! I love these boxes and I’m like.. I should cancel since I’m not reading the books right away, but I can’t! Haha. I saw a spoiler (accident) of the book for this coming month. I totally just bought it Friday & I can’t return it bc all the stores are closed. 😩😂


    1. Urg I’ve been terrible!!! I think the last one I read was Sorcery of Thorns 🤦 I am soooo far behind! I’m sorry Ollie has been sick!! Poor kiddo! I heard he was doing better though so I hope that is still true ❤ I probably should cancel too but I have too much FOMO for the goodies haha. and that sucks!!! Hopefully they will let you return it when this is all over!! Just make sure it stays in good shape haha

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      1. Haha, same!! I hasn’t ready like any all year! I am on my 4th one for the readathon, which ends tomorrow! I don’t know when I’ll finish. Haha. Thank you! He’s doing so much better but teething like crazy now. Ugh! Haha. I miss sleeping!!

        Same!!! I would be so sad to miss something from the goodies! My husband unboxes with me bc he thinks the items are so cool! I should just sign up for the yearly sub to safe a few bucks but then I feel like it’s a huge commitment. I have been subbed for almost 2 years 🤣🤣

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  2. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about the items in this box but honestly, I absolutely love them! Haha the bento box is adorable and I can’t wait to get it and use it 😀 Also this cover of All the Stars and Teeth is absolutely gorgeous and I love it so much more than the original ❤

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    1. Even if the Bento box isn’t my first choice of things, I love that OwlCrate is doing different items that we don’t already have a ton of!! I will find a use for it haha, just maybe not for food 🤣🤣 And the cover is gorgeous! And the story sounds really cool ❤


  3. How fun! I *love* bento boxes. I find they are super important to make certain I control my portion sizes at lunch time. When I’m working, it’s easy for me to eat a ton more than I should. Oops! I also have an adorable bento cookbook that shows you how to make full, nutritious meals that look adorable. You might not be into packing lunch now, but I definitely recommend you try it.

    I feel “meh” at best about The Magicians. I only read the first book and I gave it 2 stars. In case you care. XD

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    1. Oooh I didn’t know there were bento cookbooks! I don’t know much about bento haha. I will have to look up some recipes! I’ve been eating from home lately haha so now would be as good as time as any to try it! And yea I don’t know much about The Magicians, but that sucks that it was “meh” for you! I probably wasn’t ever going to read it anyway 🤣

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      1. Bento is easy to get sucked into, if you like to cook. It’s all about figuring out how to make super cute, super healthy meals. I have invested in many cookie cutters and silicone toothpicks and muffin cups and the like to make cute meals. I have no regrets.

        In fact, I might bust out my bento box and start packing my lunches. Being stuck at home, I bet I’d eat healthier meals if I prepared them in advance…

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