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I missed this topic last week due to stuff, but I wanted to finish out the series! So here it is, better late than never!

Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm. It is a weekly meme where you pick your top 5 books for a given topic.  This month’s topics are books that start with specific letter’s.  Today is U-V-W-X-Y-Z

Check out my past lists:

My goal is to pick one book from each letter that I have read and want to spotlight (not necessarily my favorite book, because Shanah’s goal is to spotlight books we love that are overshadowed by our normal favorites) and one book that is on my TBR!


An Uncertain Choice is one of those books that I really enjoyed but don’t remember the details of, but I remember liking it a lot!

Unsung Heroine came out July 2nd! I can’t believe I haven’t read it yet! (Though I did buy it!)



Velvet is actually the first ARC I read, though I read it way after the release date.  I found it in a super small bookstore on the Oregon coast and I didn’t even know what Advanced Reader Copy meant.  (I thought it meant that it had two versions, one for Advanced Readers and one for normal level readers)

Does anyone think that Vampires & Vigilantes doesn’t sound super cool?!?



I loved this series and I have been meaning to re-read it! (There are just too many books that I haven’t read yet that I want to read too!)

I loved Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller and am really excited for this book! I even got a signed copy at Denver Pop Culture Con (DPCC) but I just haven’t gotten to it yet.



This is the only “X” book I have read, but I probably would have chosen it even if I had more to choose from.  This is one of the first Graphic Novels I ever read and I read it on Vacation at a Beach House in Oregon!

I made it all the way to “X” without needing to add a new book to my TBR (In otherwords my Goodreads list had a book for every letter up till this point).  Luckily it wasn’t that hard to find a book I would like to read that starts with X! And I do love Scottish Romances.



Felicia Day is amazing and I totally have a girl-crush on her ❤ You’re Never Weird On The Internet (almost) is one of the few memoirs I have read and I really liked it!

I didn’t have a TBR title for “Y” either so I added Yertle the Turtle because who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss?


Nooooooooooooo – I had a book read for every letter of the alphabet up until now 😦 I failed in the final stretch

I was soooo close!!! I don’t have a TBR book starting with Z either and I couldn’t find one I wanted to add so I am just going to leave it completely blank.

I’ve had a lot of fun with these! I am kind of sad they are over but I really enjoyed the topics 😀

Have you read any of these?  Do you have books that hold random special memories that usually get pushed aside because your favorites tend to take the spotlight? Lets Chat!


  1. Z is such a hard letter to work with. I can’t even think of a book that starts with the letter ‘Z.’
    However, The Way of Shadows looks like an incredible book. I have a soft spot for all things relating to epic fantasy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Z is super hard!! The best one I could find was Zombies Vs. Unicorns by Holly Black but it is an anthology and I’m not a fan of short stories so don’t think I would like it 😂

      Do you like Assassins?!?! If so then you will like The Way of Shadows 😀 I hope you like it if you decide to read it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Vampires & Vigilantes (as well as the Sorcery & Science series name) does sound really cool! And I need to start the Heroine Complex series, I’ve been wanting to get to it for ages. I have the first book now so maybe soon!

    For Z, I have one (and only one) on my TBR: Zoo City by Lauren Beukes. And I actually have one that I read, too! The Zombie Billionaire’s Virgin Witch by Joely Sue Burkhart. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh I hope you love the Heroine Complex Series ❤ Its one of my favorites!!!

      And "The Zombie Billionaire’s Virgin Witch" might be one of the most ridiculous names I have ever heard 😂😂


  3. Yertle the Turtle is one of my favourite Dr. Seuss books. I actually highlighted it on my Saturday Morning for Kids post a few weeks, okay maybe months, ago.


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