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Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm. It is a weekly meme where you pick your top 5 books for a given topic.  This month’s topics are books that start with specific letter’s.  Today is P-Q-R-S-T

Check out my past lists:

My goal is to pick one book from each letter that I have read and want to spotlight (not necessarily my favorite book, because Shanah’s goal is to spotlight books we love that are overshadowed by our normal favorites) and one book that is on my TBR!


Sooooo I really wanted to pick Pride and Prejudice, but I am trying to pick books I don’t talk about as much, so I picked two P&P retellings – one I have read (Zombies) and one I want to read (Flavors)


I have only read two books that start with “Q” The Queen by Kiera Cass and The Queen’s Fool by Philippa Gregory.  Since The Queen is #0.4 in the series it doesn’t really count so I am going with The Queen’s Fool.

I have been meaning to read Queens of Geek for a while now.  I have heard so many good things about it! And the cover is awesome!


Rippler is the first installment in a 7 book series.  They are fun reads, but noting special.  I read them all and enjoyed the first few a lot but the end of the series got a bit ridiculous.

I own The Raven Boys and really need to read it!


I couldn’t resist adding another P&P retelling! This one is amazing mostly because the web show is awesome and it was fun to read the book after I watched it!

I am super excited to read Sherwood! I love Robin Hood retellings ❤ The only reason I haven’t read it yet is because I wanted to read Hunted by Meagan Spooner first. Look how pretty the covers are:


Update: Since writing this post I have actually read Sherwood (I decided to skip Hunted for now) and it was amazing! Review to come soon!


Random story time! When I was in High School we had a student teacher for our English class.  He was running out of time at the end of the year but we were supposed to read A Tale of Two Cities.  He decided it was a good idea to start us all in the middle of the book because we didn’t have time to read the whole book.  I thought this was stupid so I read the whole thing and I was the only person in the class who had any idea what was happening in the book.

I don’t even want to talk about this one! I know, I know, I know, everyone loves this and I need to read it, but there are just so many books!

Have you read any of these?  Do you have books that hold random special memories that usually get pushed aside because your favorites tend to take the spotlight? Lets Chat!



  1. I KNOW I must read the Raven’s Boy Brittany LOL I swear that book is popping up on every feed!


  2. Of course, “P” had to be P&P related😁 And I have been meaning to tell you that I love all the different fonts you’ve been using for each letter in this challenge😁


  3. I am thinking that I want to listen to the audiobook of Sherwood. Hopefully I’ll like it as much as you did! (And yes, those covers are amazing!)


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