
Female Authors #WHMReadingChallenge

Women’s History Month Reading Challenge is hosted by Margaret @ Weird Zeal.  I am not participating in the actual reading challenge, but Margaret has also come up with a prompt for each Monday in March, and I will be doing those!

March 4th’s Prompt was Female Characters That Inspire Me

Last Week’s Prompt was Books with Women on the Cover

This Week’s Prompt is Female Authors

I’m not gonna lie, I kind of forgot it was Monday … well no, thats not quite right, today was definitely a Monday, but I forgot I was supposed to do this post! Lets see if I can get this written in 1 hr and 48 min!

Female Authors I have Read This Year

The prompt is just “female authors” and Margret wrote about her favorite female authors, but I decided to write about all the Female Authors I have read so far this year.  I don’t really know if I have any favorite authors, regardless of Gender, other that Jane Austen and J.K. Rowling, so instead of doing my favorites I am going to highlight all the female authors I have read so far this year!

Holly Black

Elle Katharine White

Amy Rose Capetta

Liane Moriarty

Suzanne Enoch

Amie Dean and Susan Keeter

Katie O’Neill

Robin LaFevers

Mackenzi Lee

Gail Carriger

Of the 19 books I have read so far this year, 15 of them were written by  females! I very rarely pick books based on the author and I never select them based on an author’s gender or race (basically I will only pick a book based on the author if I loved their other books!) So, it is really cool that 79% of the books I have picked this year were written by females! Hopefully this is a sign that Woman are becoming more prominent in the publishing world, but it is more likely a testament to the types of books I gravitate towards?  Also, I feel like I need to point out that all these wonderful woman are Caucasian, so it would seem we still have a long way to go for true representation.  Of the 11 authors/illustrators listed above, 9 are from the United States, 1 is from Australia, and 1 is from New Zealand.

If you want to check out more female authors, take a look at my Female Characters That Inspire Me post because it turned out that all my favorite female characters were written by females which I thought was super cool!

What percentage of the books you have read this year were written by female authors? Have you read any good books by female authors this year? Let me know!

P.S. It only took me 55 minutes to write this post so I succeeded in posting it on the 18th! (with 53 min to spare!)

30 thoughts on “Female Authors #WHMReadingChallenge

    1. Haha it wasn’t hard for me because I only had to look at 11 authors! But I couldn’t just rely on the names themselves because “Robin” could be either female or male, so I had to actually look at their goodreads bios!


  1. I love that you’re including all the female authors you’ve read this year! And there are so many amazing ones! 😀 And that’s wonderful that so many of the books you’ve read this year are by female authors, completely by accident!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So far only 40% of the books I’ve read have been by female authors, but last year I did read more books by women than men. I agree though that while representation is getting better it’s not there yet. Still, we are at least making progress!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this list! I’m genuinely too bad at math to figure this out, but 37 out of 41 books I’ve read are by women. It’s not intentional for me either, I’ve just always been more drawn to books by women. Robin LaFevers is one of my favorite new authors I’ve read this year! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, superior math skills! I’ve only read Grave Mercy, but I just got the other 3 in the mail and I’m super excited to keep reading 😊 I almost never finish series, so this is special!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha I was math major so it would be pretty bad if I couldn’t do percentages 😂😂 And thats awesome! I bought the new one but am waiting to read it till I re-read the original three ❤ The third one is my favorite!


  4. I think it would be more than 99% of my books written by female authors Brittany! And I get what you mean by not realizing it was Monday. It happened today (Tuesday) for me too!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I also never really base my choices on authors so it’s always a surprise to me too when I look back at stats. For the months of Jan and Feb I read 16 books and 9 of those were female authors so that’s above 50 %.
    Lynn 😀

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  6. Love this post! I don’t know why but I somehow naturally gravitate toward female authors. My percentage tends to be around 75-80%! I’m at the point where I actively try to read more male authors haha.

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