**** (4 out of 5) · Books · Fantasy · Uncategorized · Young Adult

The Brilliant Death

The Brilliant Death

by Amy Rose Capetta



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I have the best little brother in the world ❤ He wanted to get me a book for Christmas but he didn’t know which book to get me so he had me pick out 5 books and he picked one of them to get me.  (all his idea!) That way there was still a bit of surprise when I opened it on Christmas! He did a great job by picking this book.  Not only is the cover absolutely gorgeous the story was great too!  Thanks Carson!! ❤

This is going to be a bit of a short review because I can’t figure out what to write today.

The characters are great.  I love Teo and Cielo both together and individually.  They are so different yet fit together perfectly.  I can’t wait to see how they work together in the second book.  Teo especially is amazing.  She overcomes so much and still manages to step up and be herself.

The magic system is really cool but there were some gaps in how it worked that bugged me (which is why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5).  The way the magic passes from person to person means that it would eventually taper out.  It isn’t sustainable.  Also why didn’t Teo notice it happening as a child when it was so painful to her as an adult? And she built up her strength way too fast.  It should have taken years not dayss to increase her stamina while using magic, especially when she had been using it before.  Its a great idea for a magic system but its got some flaws.

Putting all political and gender-fluid debates aside, I thought the use of Gender in this book was super creative.  I read it as a cool fantasy novel, with unique magic, not as a political stance or anything like that.  Maybe it was meant to be a critique on social standards, I don’t know, but that is deeper than I wanted to look.  I just wanted to enjoy the story and that is super easy to do because its a really good book! I can’t wait for the sequel!

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