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The Unique Blogger Award


Thanks to J.W. Martin @ Storeys of Stories for nominating me! I really appreciate it!! If you haven’t seen his blog you should go check it out! J.W. Martin is the creator of “First Impressions Friday” (a super awesome meme that I would love to participate in more often, but I always seem to start my books on the weekends and finish them way before Friday!)

J.W. Martin’s questions:

1) You’re being blackmailed by an evil overlord to pull off the heist of the century. You need to assemble a crew who can pull off the heist and thwart the overlord at the same time. Who do you choose? (curveball: can only pick ONE character from each book world)

  • Mastermind: Ender (from Ender’s Game)
  • Wizard: Holgren (from The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble’s Braids)
  • Brains: Hermione (from Harry Potter)
  • Thief: Aaron (from The Fire’s Stone)
  • Muscle: Thor (from Marvel)
  • Assassin: Mia (from Nevernight)
  • Scoundrel: Han Solo (from Star Wars)

This would probably be a disaster of a team.  There are too many strong personalities that probably wouldn’t work well together.  But if they could get along it would be one hell of a heist!

2) A book mashup you’d love to see. (example: Harry Potter meets The Illuminae Files)

Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter (I just read Heartstone which was Pride and Prejudice with Dragons and it was freaking amazing! Now I want more P&P fantasy stories!!)

3) If you could only read books from five authors for the rest of your life. Who do you choose?

  1. J.K. Rowling
  2. Jane Austen

I don’t know any others! I am so bad with Author names! (actually I am awful with names in general) I would probably pick authors who have written a lot of stuff? That way I can read lots of different books and not just the same ones over and over again?

  1. Terry Goodkind
  2. Charlaine Harris
  3. Janet Evanovich

My Questions:

I am going to cheat again and steal J.W. Martin’s first two questions because they are awesome! (I don’t like the third one 😉 )

  1. You’re being blackmailed by an evil overlord to pull off the heist of the century. You need to assemble a crew who can pull off the heist and thwart the overlord at the same time. Who do you choose? (curveball: can only pick ONE character from each book world)
  2. A book mashup you’d love to see. (example: Harry Potter meets The Illuminae Files)
  3. Name 1-3 magical (or not) items from a book, which you’d love to own in real life.

I Tag:

As always, don’t feel obligated to participate! But if you do, send me your link in the comments so I can check it out!

9 thoughts on “The Unique Blogger Award

    1. Thanks 🙂 but I don’t know if I can call it creative. I loved Heartstone and was wishing there were more Fantasy P&P retellings and HP is one of my favorite fantasy books so it was a natural choice 😀


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