
Bookish Academy Awards

I was tagged by Ivy @ Ivy’s Well Used Library Card.  Thanks for the tag! Go check out her blog! It is awesome 😀

I usually stay away from tags that make me think of different books because I am awful at remembering everything I have read, but since I was tagged I am going to give it a try! I am exited to try, but I just want to warn you that my answers will probably be from books I have read recently or that are fresh in my mind for whatever reason!

Disclaimer: All Amazon Links are affiliate links. If you purchase any of these books through one of my links I will get a small commission! All the thoughts/opinions in this post are mine and in no way influenced by Amazon.

Best Actor (Best male protagonist)

Nate from “Heroine Complex” I love him!


Best Actress: (Best female protagonist)

I can’t help it! It has to be Elizabeth from “Pride and Prejudice


Best Cinematography: (Best plot twist)

Godsgrave” for sure! It was all over the place, I couldn’t predict anything!


Best Costume Design: (Best book cover)

The Cruel Prince” has a pretty awesome cover!


Best Supporting Actress and Actor: (Best Male and Female Sidekick)

This one is super tough but I think I have to choose “The Fire’s Stone” Its a little bit of a cop out but the three main characters are kind of each other’s sidekicks!

fire stone

Best Original Screenplay: (Most Unique Plot/World)

This probably isn’t super unique, but it was the book that started me in fantasy, so it was unique to me. “Harry Potter


Best Adapted Screenplay: (Best book-to-movie adaptation)

I have to copy this from Ivy! “The Princess Bride


Best Animated Feature: (A book that would work well in animated format)

Daughter of the Pirate King” would make a great animated movie!


Best Director: (A writer you discovered for the first time)

I really liked “Geekerella” by Ashley Poston and recently discovered she also wrote “Heart of Iron” which I heard is really good.

Geek Heart

Best Short Film: (Best Novella or Short-Book)

I don’t read a lot of novellas, but recently I read and loved “Once Con Glory


Best Picture: (Best Stand-Alone)

Oooh there are a lot of ones I can choose for this! I am going to go with “Uprooted“!


Best Documentary: (Best historical fiction)

I used to read a ton of Historical Fiction, but I don’t anymore.  In High School “Girl in Blue” was one of my favorites.


Thats it! Some were way harder to answer than others, but I like the answers I came up with!  Who would you choose for each one?

I am not going to tag anyone, but if you participate please let me know so I can see your answers!

11 thoughts on “Bookish Academy Awards

  1. I love Elizabeth, she is one of my all time favourite protagonists! 😀 Plus Pride and Prejudice is my favourite Jane Austen novel that I have read. Harry Potter has such a wonderful and magical world, I simply adore it! ❤ I'm really glad to see that you enjoyed Uprooted, I have that book on my TBR and I can't wait to get around to it.. 🙂

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    1. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book ever! I could have picked it for over half the awards but I limited it so a book couldn’t win more than one haha. I loved Uprooted, it was really really good! Tho it gave me a really bad book hangover because I wanted more!

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    1. Yay! I don’t know of very many people that have read of The Fire’s Stone! I loved it! Its exciting to find other people that have read it! 😀 And I don’t know if I would say that Uprooted was satisfying. It was absolutely amazing, but I really wanted more! It gave me a huge book hangover haha.

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  2. Great answers! Arg I still havent read Nevernight, I bought it when I came out and it still sits on my shelf. I know it’s going to be good, I just never get to it. I really do need to read it. Nothing beats the Princess Bride movie! I actually prefer it to the book (guilty). I have Greekella on my TBR but not got my hand on a copy yet, but I’ve heard great things. Uprooted was one of my favourite reads of last year! its amazing and the cover is a beauty! Have your read Spinning Silver yet? I havent.

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    1. As much as I loved Nevernight I would suggest waiting until August ish to read it because the third book will come out September 4th. I hate waiting for books to be released once I have started a series! Its pure torture! And Godsgrave has some major cliffhangers. I haven’t read Spinning Silver yet, have you? Its not released yet either 😦

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      1. Great! Thanks for the tip. I’ve got too much to read anyway so don’t need to read it until I can get access to all. No I have read it either. I keep seeing people who have read it but no I think it comes out in July. I’m jealous they got an ARC.

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