
I’m back from my accidental mini hiatus!

It has been a exactly a week since I posted last and I miss you guys!!!

I have horrendous time management skills in general, but last week they were particularly bad.

I also went to Vegas over the weekend which didn’t help.

My original plan was to post regularly last week and also get posts scheduled for the weekend.  That way you wouldn’t even notice I was gone! Obviously I failed. Not only did I not get posts scheduled, but I was so busy preparing for Vegas, I didn’t even get regular posts written!

Hopefully I can get my shit together this week! My plan is to start with this post, then clear out my emails (I have 380 in my blog email, 437 in my personal email, and only 42 at work), and then respond to all your comments, and finally catch up on blog hopping.  Wish me luck!

Quick update on books and shows: I am reading The Bear and the Nightingale right now and I am loving it.  I am still listening to The Fates Divide on Audiobook and it is taking FOREVER to get through.  Today I am starting a buddy read of Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe with Mary @ Sophril Reads and I am so ridiculously excited!!! I only have 5 more episodes of Friends to watch and I will have watched the entire show from start to finish!! I am super excited to finish it but I am also a little sad because I will have to find something else to watch.

I hope you have had an amazing week! I will try to get caught up as quickly as possible!! Let me know if you have any posts you think I would like, or that you are particularly proud of!! I would love to read them!!

28 thoughts on “I’m back from my accidental mini hiatus!

  1. I need to read the Bear and the Nightingale too. I’m glad you are liking it. It’s good seeing you again 🙂 I used to love watching Friends but then came Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So many people had recommended it and then I got a free copy at Comic Con so I figured I really should read it 😂 I might watch BBT next! I have watched the first 7 seasons in a row but now that its ending I should re-watch it! Thanks 😊


  2. Welcome back Brittany. Glad you had a nice trip. You need to do those things. I have been reading and have over 200 emails in my blog email. Take your time to catch up and do not overwhelm yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I understand this completely – I always also have the best laid plans that rarely come about.
    Hope you enjoy your buddy read.
    Did you enjoy Vegas?
    And, oddly enough I’ve recently started watching friends again, only on season 1 but still find it just as good.
    Lynn 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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