Books · Tags

My Bad Reading Habits Tag

I am the first to admit I have some awful reading habits.  I am also the first person to laugh at myself about them! You are more than welcome to laugh at me as well 🙂 I can even deal with some light judging.  (But if I feel like you are attacking me for my habits I will get bitterly defensive)  This is a fun tag to flaunt all our bad habits so lets have some fun and make fun of each other! (did I mention fun?)

Thanks to Maria @ Bookgraphy for tagging me!

Bad Habit #1 – Dog Ears

I am going to jump right in with both feet and start with my worst habit.  I dog ear corners on my books.

I know! I’m a monster! But it gets even worse; by the time I am done reading a book the cover is usually bent or torn and its all a mess.  It is really hard for me to keep a book in good condition.  I just toss it in my backpack or my gym bag or my car or my bat bag.  Sometimes I will even read in the shower and the humidity makes the pages wrinkly.  I take the book with me everywhere and it suffers.  But I believe a well worn book is a loved book! I don’t purposely try and ruin my books! I do try to put them in places where they won’t get smashed, but its often a futile attempt.  By bags have a mind of their own and I can’t keep anything pristine!

I will note that I only do this to my books.  On the rare occasion I borrow a book from a friend or the Library I will make sure it stays in its original condition.  It takes a lot of work for me too keep a book nice and its just too hard when its my personal book!

Bad Habit #2 – No TBR

Do I really need to continue after my Bad Habit #1? Isn’t that bad enough for you guys? No? Okay! My next bad habit is that I cannot follow a short term TBR to save my life.  I do have a giant TBR of books I would like to read someday, but I can’t plan out the books I am going to read next.  I am a total mood reader and TBRs will send me into slumps if I am not 100% feeling the next book on my list.

Bad Habit #3 – Book Hoarding

I hoard books.  It doesn’t matter if I hated the book or never plan on reading it – I am keeping it! I have a room dedicated to books and I want to fill it up!!! Last time I counted I had a little over 500 physical books, almost 250 ebooks, and 15 Audio books. So total 775 ish books!

Though, while I hoard books, there are very few I am actually attached too, so if I were to lend a book to a friend I don’t care about the condition they return it in, and honestly I probably wouldn’t even notice if they never returned it.

I Tag:

As always, don’t feel obligated to participate! But if you do let me know so I can check out your answers!

What are some of your bad habits? Can you forgive me mine? Let me know in the comments!

34 thoughts on “My Bad Reading Habits Tag

  1. I also like to keep books I don’t like😂 maybe it’s a bad thing? But I want my library to groow! Also I’m not sure why but lately I haven’t been able to follow my monthly tbr, I’m becoming more of a mood reader😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly!! I want a big library! If I only keep the books I have read, or liked then it would be a whole heck of a lot smaller 😂😂 Are you ok with being a mood reader? Or is your TBR important to your blog (i.e. do you have a lot of ARCS and books you should be reading?)


  2. YOU MONSTER! 😂 Why do you take your book to THE SHOWER?? that’s where I take advantage of audiobooks, so that I don’t literally kill them! I have the same problem with my TBRs though, I just can’t make my brain follow a damn list….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I know!! I’m the worst 😂 😂 I don’t completely ruin them!! They just get a little wavy! I don’t put them under the water or anything but the humidity gets to them 😂 😂 I can’t hear my phone speaker over the sound of my shower so I would need to get a better speaker in order to listen in the shower, tho that is a great idea 😀


  3. I hoard books as well. Actually I probably have more unread books than anything. I try to explain to people I want my own library where I have endless shelves and vast options of books to read! Good to know I’m not alone 🙂

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  4. I’m a mood reader too and usually don’t pick out more than one book ahead, even though I do have a long range TBR (we’ll call it “guidelines”, as the pirate says). So yeah… and I used to hoard, I had boxes of used books I got at used bookstores, but lost some of them in college, so… I still buy too many books though!

    Fun tag!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Lets be book Pirates!! ❤ oh my god I need to make that into something! And Yes, Guidelines is a perfect definition for my TBR 😂😂 Thats so sad you lost books haha I have lost some too. Mostly my original Harry Potter books which I am pretty sure my sister stole 😂


  5. hahah ‘I dog ear corners on my books” *GASPS* Me too lol I love to discover other “I dog earers” 🙂
    My worst? I DNF 90% the books I read 🙂 just your opposite 🙂 love this tag Fun to know more about you 🙂

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    1. Haha ok so I don’t like baths I think they are too quiet and weird. So I plug the drain and run the shower and sit in the tub and let it fill up. I LOVE the sound of the running shower, its really what is relaxing to me. Since I am sitting in the tub but with the shower running and I hang my arms over the edge of the tub so they are outside of the shower curtain and I read holding the book out of the tub but it still gets a little misted 😂

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  6. The only time I HAVE a TBR is well… ARCs and blog your copies because I’ll forget about them until the week before and omg I can’t do that. 😂 Otherwise I’m a no TBR type of girl aside from what I’m interested in reading (should we even call it TBR? Why not Looks Interesting to Read? 😂)

    I CANNOT read in the shower though – they’re banned at my place unless I want to start a fire. 😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yea I have a list of ARCS and books I have to read but I only have two books on it now and I try to not do too many ARCS.

      And I love the idea of calling it an “Interested in reading” list! Thats a great idea 🙂

      How are showers banned and why would a shower start a fire?!?!


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